
Setup Free Proxies On PC

--->> Proxies Means 😮 <<---

Proxy server is used for secure connection between work station and a remote server. Proxy server works as intermediary for them. Here you will learn how to setup a free proxy server on your computer thru browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer.

There are websites to let you know some free proxy servers for different countries like US, UK, Canada, Australia, Asian Countries like Malaysia, China, India, Indonesia and many more. You just need to pick the proxy server IP and the port number from these websites and use them in the below mentioned setup.

Actually proxy server settings can be done on your computer on Internet connection so that whatever browser you use, that proxy server will be utilized. But if you want to see the proxy server settings panel from different browser, then you can have a look here. First of all, I will show you how to add proxy server information on “Internet Connection” panel thru control panel.

--->> Setup <<---

– Open Control Panel on your Windows PC and find “Internet Options” icon

– Click on that “Internet Options” icon and then you can see a new window. There you need to navigate to “Connection” tab

– Now find the message “Choose settings if you need to configure a proxy server for a connection”, Beside that you can see “Settings” button. Click on that.

– A new window will open where you can see a section as “Proxy Server” where you need to put the IP address and the port number for particular country that you have got from the free proxy provider website.

– Save the changes for that particular connection. Now you are using secured proxy server for connection.

Now if you are using different browsers like Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer, then here is the navigation in these browsers to open the “Internet Options – Connection” panel.

In Google Chrome

– Click on options under the settings menu. Now navigate to “Under the hood” section and there you can find “Network” section. Click on “Change Proxy settings” button to get the Internet options to change Proxy Server.

In Mozilla Firefox

Navigate to Tools ==> Options menu and then go to the “Advanced” tab. In “Advanced”, go to the “Network” tab. There you can see “Settings” button. Click on that to find the Proxy information window. Fill up the proxy server information and select “Manual Proxy Configuration” options over there.

In Internet Explorer

Go to “Settings ==> Internet Options”. From there, you just need to follow the “Internet Options – Connection” window steps as mentioned earlier in this article to setup proxy server on your PC network connection.

Some Free Proxy Server Information Providers

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That’s it. There are so many free proxy server providers on web and I will definitely keep sharing that kind of stuff on Internet Techies. Subscribe for daily newsletter to get regular updates in your Inbox or Google Reader.

Free Proxies : Click here



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